比色吸光槽Absorption Cells |
螢光比色槽Fluorescenec Cells |
特殊用途比色槽 |
標準比色槽Macro Cells |
標準比色槽Macro Cells |
超級微量比色槽Cells for Cytometry |
半微量比色槽Semi-Micro Cells |
半微量比色槽Semi-Micro Cells |
光分散比色槽 Cells for Light-Scattering Measurements |
微量比色槽Micro Cells |
微量比色槽Micro Cells |
混濁試驗比色槽Cells for Turbidity Measurements |
超微量比色槽Ultra-Micro Cells |
超微量比色槽Ultra-Micro Cells |
折射比色槽Cells for Reflection Measurements |
磁攪拌比色槽Cells for Magnetic Stirrers |
磁攪拌比色槽Cells for Magnetic Stirrers |
大型比色槽Large Cells |
密封比色槽Sealable Cells |
密封比色槽Sealable Cells |
Demountable Cells |
比色吸光槽Absorption Cells |
螢光比色槽Fluorescenec Cells |
特殊用途比色槽 |
管式比色槽Cells with Tubes
管式比色槽Cells with Tubes
Flat Optics
圓柱形比色槽Cylindrical Cells
流動比色槽 Cells for Flow-Through Measurements
塑膠比色槽 Cuvettes 1.5ml、2.5ml、4.5ml
溫控比色槽Temperature Controlled Cells
染色雷射比色槽Dye-Laser Cells
雙槽式比色槽Cells with two Chambers
流動比色槽Cells for Flow-Through Measurements |
儀器校正標準片 |
比色槽專用清洗液Laboratory Aids |
石英微孔板Quartz Microplates |